Fur Hat
Level 1
3 Speed
65 Durability
A fur hat that's a bit tacky on the fashion side.

Level 1
6 Speed
80 Durability
An ordinary bandana that fits a bit snug.

Bronze Helm
Level 1
12 Speed
100 Durability
A beat up bronze helm.

Tiger Mask
Level 1
20 Speed
115 Durability
A fierce protective mask that makes you a bit more intimidating.

Mouse Prince's Crown
Level 1
24 Speed
122 Durability
The crown of the fallen mouse prince.

Holy Helmet
Level 1
25 Speed
135 Durability
A golden helmet that's been blessed.

Hellslayer's Visuar
Level 1
35 Speed
145 Durability
A sporty visuar worn by Hellslayers. They have good taste in fashion.

Level 1
40 Speed
150 Durability
Who knew mushrooms could make viable helmets? This particular one once owned by Jeff, of whom we don't speak.

Hood of Mana
Level 1
40 Speed
160 Durability
Made by mages, this blue piece of cloth protects the wearer from the elements providing decent damage protection; Also prevents sunburns.

Jeweled Bandana
Level 1
45 Speed
180 Durability
The once noble guardians of the shrine near skudville favored these headgears. Despite thier fall these helms still provide mild protection when worn.

Cold Helmet
Level 1
50 Speed
215 Durability
This helmet is forged from cold diamonds.

Ancient Helm
Level 1
65 Speed
210 Durability
The rare item collector in skudville must have a room full of these.

Elven Cap
Level 1
70 Speed
228 Durability
Often worn by elven archers these stylish headgears block both the sun and mild amount of physical damage.

Zodiac Basinet
Level 1
75 Speed
250 Durability
The master smith loves his rediculusly hard to find gems. In return for enough of them he'll give this creation. This helm, which he advises you make creepy sounds in becuase that's cool, provides decent protection.

Skeletal Casque
Level 1
100 Speed
300 Durability
Made from the best parts of many skud skulls.

Conqueror's Helm
Level 1
106 Speed
285 Durability
The prophet's pupil somehow got his hands on a vast stash of these hard to obtain helms.

War Hero's Helmet
Level 1
125 Speed
300 Durability
One of the many helms that were collected by the richman of Rora. Despite seeing firece battles this helm still provides good defense against foes when worn.

Level 1
150 Speed
300 Durability
Despite the name no specific moral alignement is needed to wear this flaming helm.

Level 1
155 Speed
325 Durability
A helm popular in Cestra this finned creation is rumored to be able to catch anything going over your head.

Crown of Glacier
Level 1
160 Speed
400 Durability
Given to adventures bold enough to deal with the excessive Tiger problem in Glacier.

Ohka Headband
Level 1
175 Speed
450 Durability
A specialized helm worn in ancient times to protect the heads of the warriors who fought to protect the sacred treasure of Hou Jin.

Royal Mirage Crown
Level 1
195 Speed
500 Durability
A crown for those who have mastered the Azure Museum.

Mordred's Crown
Level 1
265 Speed
530 Durability
Reward for freeing Celoria of Mordred.

Maze Prize Helm
Level 1
275 Speed
690 Durability
A simple design well executed. It active repels other helms of the same type.

Coveted Cestrum
Level 1
310 Speed
2500 Durability
A very difficut to obtain helm from a great lord of Cestra.

Lunar Kazail Helm
Level 1
350 Speed
900 Durability
The strongest helm forged in the land of Belthazar from the depths of the Kazail ruins.

Maze Prize Helm (Upgraded)
Level 1
350 Speed
900 Durability
This one has a matching colored felt lining inside. So it's obviously better.

Guardian's Helm
Level 300
400 Speed
1000 Durability
An incredibly strong helm, making up for what it lacks in durability with its strength.

Viking War Helmet
Level 1
400 Speed
1000 Durability
A helm worn by the Rora Vikings to strike fear into their enemies.

Dragon Helmet
Level 1
400 Speed
1000 Durability
Forged by the ancestors of the Highlanders.

Reinforced Guardian Helm
Level 1
420 Speed
1050 Durability
A reinforced guardian's helm.

Helm of Glory
Level 300
450 Speed
1500 Durability
Blessed by the waterfall merchant.

Fortified Helm of Glory
Level 300
500 Speed
1500 Durability
Fortified with the finest metals of the land.

Viking War Helmet+
Level 1
500 Speed
1650 Durability
Something just went right in the construction of this helm.

Dragon Helmet+
Level 1
500 Speed
1650 Durability
Made from an elder dragon.

Viking Battle Helm
Level 1
600 Speed
1900 Durability
Helm of a great Chief among the Vikings it has seen many battles

Undead Dragon Helm
Level 1
600 Speed
1900 Durability
Made from the thighbone of an unkillable undead dragon. He's still angry about it look out for him.

Maleficent Helm
Level 1
650 Speed
1650 Durability
Forged from the fortified set by the crazed merchant in the depths of the Crypt.

Reinforced Maleficent Helm
Level 1
650 Speed
3900 Durability
Mystic merchants are willing to make this durable helm for the right price.